Sunday 26 April 2015

Pregnancy Update #1 29 weeks and 3 days!

29 weeks and 3 days!

It doesn't seem like it was yesterday since I was sat in my boyfriend's toilet waiting for that little stick to tell me if I was positive or negative. How time flies by! Week by week goes by and as it does I definitely feel more pregnant. It wasn't until the end of the 4th month where it really started to sink in that my body was changing and I was going to be having a baby. It did seem really surreal at first, I'm sure it was due to the fact that my little man wasn't planned but I was certain that I didn't want to abort him. 

Now I've hit the 29 weeks mark my body isn't capable of doing what was the norm to me any more. Bending down or running for a bus or even just walking at my normal pace just isn't in me now, it's certainly crazy! The only way I can describe it is like I've suddenly gone from nearly turning 20 to nearly turning 50. I never suffered from any first trimester problems like morning sickness or anything, I was pretty lucky in that department. It isn't till now that I'm waking up during the night with major leg cramps which I've never experienced before but they really are the worst! I spent a day down town and my legs where killing from where I hasn't sat down all day and my back was hurting, also I pulled a shoulder muscle from holding my bag all day. Just the little things get you when you're pregnant. 

There are definitely some plus sides to being pregnant though, as most women I hated being on once a month and sometimes was fed up with being a girl but now I'm pregnant I literally can't get over how much men miss out on feeling a baby grow and develop inside of you. It's amazing waking up to little feet and hands kicking you from the inside and having a head stick out or a bum, it's so amazing! What made my whole year this year was when we went to a 3D ultrasound scan and when the woman was trying to get pictures of him he was being a little grump but I spoke to my mum and he actually gave a massive smile just from hearing my voice(or possibly wind) the woman said he knows mummy's voice already. How amazing is that a baby at 25 weeks (that's when we had the scan) can recognize my voice it made my heart melt. I will never forget that day! The best feeling about being pregnant is how all your life you will never love someone without seeing them or meeting them but with your own baby you already love them without any contact. It truly is special! 
I love my little Danny George Miners! <3

Lesha x

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