Wednesday 25 June 2014


Are you looking for the perfect short shorts this summer?


You have to be brave and bold to wear these!
These go perfect with a patterned or plain crop top. Tights or no Tights. Trainers or sandals. These shorts can be worn in many ways. Wear with a leather jacket for a rock chick look or style with a kimono for a summer festive look. 
Links below for more information on the shorts. 
100% Recommend! 

New shorts from BooHoo!

Yesterday while I was sorting out my summer wardrobe, I realised all of my shorts don't actually cover my whole bottom(which I find so annoying). The thing with really short shorts is that I find you feel like you want to pull them down constantly while your walking or before or after sitting down. So I decided to go on a massive search for a decent, cheap and lengthy pair of shorts. While I was on my hunt for the perfect pair I found that shops like river island, new look, topshop ect, where fairly pricey. I guess its because its summer that shops know everyone will be wanting shorts so they higher their prices up. I was so determined to find a lovely cheap pair so I decided to return to some older sites that i used to purchase clothes from.

That's when I found the website for these adorable tie-dye shorts. is where I purchased these shorts. I made the order on the 24th and they came today on the £25 even though I paid the cheapest P&P which was up to 5 days delivery. I only paid the price of the shorts £15 and P&P which was £2.99 HOW CHEAP IS THAT!! So go and purchase your own pair!!